Life Style

European education

One morning when I dropped my daughter off at school, I saw the principal and other teachers standing at the door, smiling and greeting each child. I also noticed that the flag of Mongolia has been added to the national flags of many countries on the outside board. Before, when I entered one by one, I could only see the flags. I was thinking that the flag of the country would be hoisted by the students who had achieved some merit, so I was very happy to see the flag of the country like this. The athletes seem to understand the excitement they feel when they raise the flag. I spent that day at school thinking, “There must be some kind of celebration.” In the evening, she asked her daughter why the principal stood outside and greeted the children, and why the Mongolian flag was raised.

– This is how principals and teachers greet each other every morning. Don’t you know because you don’t always come? As for the national flag, the director said it was for me. I was also very happy when the Mongolian flag was shown for the first time as a “surprise”. My daughter asked me if she is explaining that it is because there is a representative of Mongolia in our school.

When we first arrived, the principal of the school invited us to his room to meet us and introduced the school himself. At that time, questions such as why this principal accepted him so well, and whether it was because of our child’s high scores, etc., were running through his mind. However, the problem is not with us, it is the responsibility of the principal of any school to meet the parents of each new child and introduce the school in person.

After that, the characteristics of the child’s behavior, health information, learning methods, efforts, and the family’s conditions were specially asked and recorded, and the social worker introduced them to discuss the things that could be more helpful.

– When I was studying in Mongolia, our director never showed up. The director was seen only when he spoke at the opening of the first nine months or at the bell festival. We were very afraid because sometimes he would walk past without saying a word to meet anyone inside the school. Sometimes, when passing through the door, the teachers would whisper, “Shhh, here’s the principal. Be quiet.” Then she should be the director here. Greetings every morning. Every night I stand at the door and say goodbye. Sometimes he goes to meet the children inside the school just to joke with them. Every time they meet me, they stop me and say, “So, how are you? Is it cool? Is it difficult?” “I always ask,” my daughter said with interest.

I don’t want to talk about our education system here. I just wanted to show interest in seeing the difference between a human-centered society and professional staff working for children.

Just talk. They will understand everything. . .

It is said that kindergarten and school are of school age. As soon as the children reach the age of three, they will be registered in an ecole and put into a socialization environment. My son and his mother carried the bag to school. I was drawn to the environment where the children were playing and busy, and sometimes I cried because I wanted to stay there. This year my son went to school as he wanted.

On the first day, parents were allowed to hang out with their children. Staying together all day (in general, as long as it’s in sight) and getting used to it secretly. The next day, he got up excited to go to school. But on this day, the school reminded parents that they can stay together for half a day if they want. By noon, the children stopped noticing their parents because they could still see them. So we sneaked out one by one.

On the third day, he got up excited to go to school. But on this day, the school did not allow parents to stay. The morning show ended with a bit of crying and shouting. The teachers would gently comfort us when they realized we were back in the shelter. “It’s okay, everyone cries. They’ll be fine as soon as you leave.”

The next day was a holiday, so my son spent two days talking about school and bragging about going to school. So, on Monday morning, I woke up in a race with the alarm clock and went to bed to go to school. That day, my little boy did not cry when he walked into the classroom. He immediately went in and kneaded the sculpture clay and sat down. But from the next day, there were rumors.

The teacher said, “I’m sorry, you need to bring your son his Doudou, because he won’t sleep that day, he’s crying. He woke up all the children crying.” I said.

– Can I have my favorite game?

-No. A cuddly toy is useful. What toy does your son fall asleep with? When he stays in his room to sleep, he has a cuddling toy, right?

– No, he doesn’t sleep alone. He sleeps with his mother.

– Of course not. Do you sleep with him? Why?

– Because he is still small.

– You need to make him bigger. To do this, you need to train him to sleep alone. So his Doudou is you. But talk to him anyway. It is necessary to make him understand that he should sleep at school without his mother during the day and that he should not disturb other children.

During this conversation, I stopped to think to myself. “Man, my husband, who is not yet three years old, will speak and understand.”

However, according to the teacher, he spent the whole day trying to explain to his son. Then he chose a different toy that he could cuddle and sleep with. But he bought a rubber crocodile that sounds. He hugged me and sent me away. He hugged the crocodile and entered the classroom with joy. In the evening, there were rumors again. “Your son is now going to bed during the day. That’s great. You’ve made him understand. But he can’t bring the alligator back. He’s been making noises until bedtime. So you need to offer him another soft toy.”

So mother and son went shopping again. The boy insists on getting something with music. Mother will avoid him. He even insisted on getting a big spider. But the mother was clever and held a cute green turtle stuffed in her arms. And he also taught his son secret words to whisper in his turtle’s ear when he went to sleep during the day. “If you two make noise again at bedtime, they won’t let you go when his mother comes in the evening. Every school will take you away,” he even threatened.

So, from the next day, something started to happen. A few days later, when I asked her teacher how she was doing, she said, “She is doing really well. During the day, she goes to sleep with Doudou in her arms and whispers to her mouth. Thank you for making her understand so well.”

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